Working Together for Success


At Peel Hall we use English to communicate in both written and spoken form. We use language to build our view and opinion of the world and our community. We believe that developing a love of our language in our children is vital in achieving success at school and later in life. The exploration and enjoyment of the English language is our priority and we value all its aspects – speaking, listening, reading and writing. English is taught daily across the whole school with work appropriately differentiated to match all abilities, although all children will be taught in order to help them achieve the mastery standard in accordance with their year group objectives.

Speaking and Listening
Talking is fundamental to learning. Pupils are encouraged to speak clearly, confidently and with expression in order to state their ideas and opinions. Just as important is the need to listen carefully to others and respond in appropriate ways. At Peel Hall pupils are given opportunities in all areas of the curriculum to develop their speaking and listening skills, in paired, group or whole class situations. Therefore, role play, small world and drama activities are intrinsic elements of speaking and listening across the school. Extra support is given to children with Speaking and Listening difficulties. Whole school assemblies and class assemblies also enhance the opportunities our children have for speaking and listening. All staff model to children and parents/carers the appropriate form of communication based on context. Children are corrected sensitively, so they develop their confidence as appropriate.

Our approach to reading at Peel Hall involves Read,Write Inc within Key Stage One and Foundation Stage. The Oxford Reading Tree books are used within these stages as take home books. Within Key Stage Two children have guided reading texts within their classrooms which are used to support the teaching of different genres. Classes also have a range of fiction and non fiction books to select as independent reads. This allows children to read a wide range of genres which are matched to their ability and interest.  Children who read for pleasure gain a richer vocabulary, more knowledge, critical thinking skills and become independent learners. Guided Reading is an important part of our curriculum. Children work in focused groups to develop their reading skills and their understanding of texts. We provide children with rich reading experiences within their English lessons and encourage them to appreciate the author’s use of language and writing techniques in order to develop their own writing skills. Our children take their reading books home daily to share with their families/carers.  As they go through the school, they are given more responsibility for making their own reading choices. Reading is seen as an integral part of all subjects and children are encouraged to read for a range of purposes as well as reading a range of genres.

Guided reading records are maintained by each teacher and all children participate in at least one guided read a week.

Reading results from summative tests in Key Stage 2  and Year 2 are used half termly to identify gaps and next steps in learning. In all classes formative assessments, those assessments that are made on daily basis are also recorded on Classroom Monitor which is our school’s assessment and recording system.

Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar
We place great value on the importance of accurate spelling and the correct use of punctuation and grammar. We follow the National Curriculum 2014 to ensure that teaching is both structured and rigorous throughout the school. We use Read Write Inc to ensure a consistent approach to the teaching of phonics throughout the Foundation Stage and Key Stage One.

In Year 2 and Key Stage Two children learn specific spelling rules and patterns appropriate to their year group and teachers conduct weekly tests and create regular opportunities  for the children to apply their learning.


At Peel Hall we aim for children to become independent writers. We encourage them to write clearly and with confidence in any given genre. We teach them to use punctuation and grammar accurately, to be able to proofread their own work and make amendments and improvements. We give children a wide range of opportunities in which to develop their writing skills and display work of which they are proud. Through our English curriculum, we aim to nurture in the children a love of literature and language, and the confidence to continue reading and writing throughout their lives.  The progress of all our children is rigorously monitored through termly target setting and Pupil Progress Meetings.

Children complete a range of writing tasks which culminate in a piece of independent writing. Children’s independent writing is assessed from a range of subjects and some final pieces are recorded in a writing book. These assessments are then updated on Classroom Monitor, our internal assessment and tracking system.

Where children need additional support in any aspect of English, teachers provide additional interventions in the afternoon, and for older children reading clubs and writing clubs are held after school.

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Peel Hall Primary School Ashurst Road, Wythenshawe, Manchester, M22 5AU
Finance Officer • Courtney Dodd
Headteacher • Mrs Amy Tatham
SENCO • Rebecca Squires
Family Support • Siobhan Burke
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