6SM: When Life Gives You Mangoes

by Kereen Getten

Nothing much happens in Sycamore, the small village where Clara lives - at least, that's how it looks… 

She loves eating ripe mangoes fallen from trees, running outside in the rainy season and escaping to her secret hideout with her best friend Gaynah. There's only one problem - she can't remember anything that happened last summer. 

 Year 6 have been captivated right from the first page and are hooked as to what happens next. 

 Do you think she will remember what happened? 


Brody - “I’m intrigued to see if she will ever remember what will happen!” 

Rose - “Imagine if she never remembers! What if the mangoes have some sort of powers!” 

Amber - “What happens if someone remembers what happens to her? I hope she remembers!” 


6RC: The Super Miraculous Journey of Freddie Yates 


3CS: Pippi Longstocking