Parents & Carers
Excellent behaviour is expected from all pupils
ALL children deserve the right to learn, free from disruption in a safe, calm environment.
We therefore have high expectations of behaviour for ALL pupils. Bullying is never tolerated.
All pupils are explicitly taught to show R.E.S.P.EC.T. to everyone. We teach our pupils the following behaviour traits as a precursor to excellent behaviour. This helps our children to understand their own emotions and decisions, and how these impact on those around them.
We show R.E.S.P.E.C.T. to everyone by:
respectful listening
honest and truthful
trying our best
kind and helpful
Looking after
our school
All children will receive recognition for making the right choices
At Wise Owl Trust, we want pupils to develop the intrinsic value of hard work and feel proud of their achievement. We are committed to recognising good learning habits in all peaks and of all pupils. We recognise pupils in different ways:
Verbal recognition
Staff will recognise good learning habits in and around the academy. It should be very clear which value or behaviour the child is demonstrating, e.g. “Well done, you are working hard to walk in a natural state.” All classes can design their own ‘cheer’ for pupils who have demonstrated good learning habits. Quiet cheers will also be used by all staff to individuals.
Star of the Week
During our celebration assembly, a student from each class will be chosen who has been demonstrating a good attitude towards their learning. The teacher will choose a pupil and communicate this with SLT delivering the assembly. A certificate will be given out during the assembly which clearly explains how the student has demonstrated their positive attitude.
R.E.S.P.E.C.T. certificate
Each week, one student in each class who has demonstrated the Trust’s Values (Resilience, Empathy, Self-Awareness, Positivity, Excellence, Communication, Teamwork) will receive a R.E.S.P.E.C.T. certificate.
SLT recognition
Pupils who have been working hard towards a particular goal and have displayed outstanding learning habits will share their work with the Senior Leadership Team or another key adult. The process will be recognised rather than the outcome/finished product. We always recognise when pupils change their behaviour.

Consequences will be given for poor choices
The key to successful behaviour management is to be consistent.
All staff will use the same consequences in order to be fair and consistent to all pupils. Throughout the day, chances for a fresh start must be given. Our staff do not hold grudges and always look for pupils who are demonstrating our learning habits.
One verbal/nonverbal reminder should be communicated clearly to the child, positively framing the desired behaviour you want to see (if this does not interrupt teaching), prior to any further consequence.
Pupils with individual needs, who may require additional recognition, should be given a personal ‘targets and recognition’ system. Staff will liaise with the SENDCo for further advice and develop an Individual Behaviour Plan.
Consistently repeated offences warrant the student going to their phase lead teacher first for their reflection time (dependent on the severity of repeated incidents.)
Any behaviour should be recorded on class logs.
Reflection time conversations will happen face to face. If this is not possible, a phone call will be made by the class team.
Some behaviours warrant immediate sanctions: swearing, fighting, biting, hitting, spitting.
All sanctions are to be given in a timely manner, and proportionate to the behaviour. e.g. lost learning time would mean some time missed at break time to catch up. Drawing on a piece of furniture means cleaning the piece of furniture.
Reflection Time
Reflection time should be a purposeful time for the student to reflect on their choices and decide upon the learning habits they need to demonstrate moving forward. Resources or activities could be put in place to support this reflection such as:
Letter of apology
Reading social stories
Goal setting
Reflective sentence focusing on our values or drivers
Restorative conversations
Off-site behaviour
We expect all pupils to adhere to the Wise Owl Way and show R.E.S.P.E.C.T. outside of school. We teach our pupils to ‘do the right thing, even when no one is looking.’ This includes online.
Any incidents reported to school will be dealt with in line with our school rules, and sanctions may be given.
No mobile phones
Helping children to make good decisions about their health and wellbeing and enable them to know how to seek support if any health issues arise for themselves or others.

Wise Owl Trust Behaviour Policy
View this file in the Trust Policies section of the Wise Owl Trust’s Documents & Policies web page.

Wise Owl Trust Behaviour Policy
View this file in the Trust Policies section of the Wise Owl Trust’s Documents & Policies web page.