Parents & Carers
Reading centred homework
Children who read often at home do best in school and beyond.
We need your help to help your child make the progress they are capable of! Therefore, all of our homework is centred around reading.
What we are asking you to do:
Listen to your child read for at least 3x a week for 10 minutes.
Record that you have listened to them read in their reading record.
Help your child practise their spellings (KS2).
What we will do:
Provide books for your child to read with you at home, changing them at least weekly.
Send home a reading record and a spelling log (KS2).
Check and respond to your comments in the reading log weekly.
Reading tips
Their scheme book. This will either be a Read Write Inc ‘Book Bag Book’ or an Oxford Reading Tree book.
Your child will also bring home a book to read for pleasure that they have chosen to share with you. This is where you come in! Even if they can read it, it’s always nice to read together!
If your child gets stuck on a word, encourage them to try and sound it out. If your child still doesn’t know after trying, tell them the word and if they don’t know what it means, explain the word to them or look it up together.
If your child is reading and doesn’t realise they have misread a word, ask them to go back and try again!

Things to try at home
Try to get into a habit of listening to your child reading by doing it at the same time each day. Before bed or straight after school – whatever works for you!
Just 10 minutes is all that is needed. If your child wants to read for longer – fantastic! But if they don’t, don’t force them into it – it might turn them off reading altogether!
Make sure your child brings their reading book and reading log into school daily so we can hear them read too!