Our reading pledge
Reading Corner
Reading is at the heart of everything we do at Peel Hall Primary Academy
Early reading is a key priority of our school improvement strategy. From the early years up, we foster a love of reading which permeates every classroom in the school. Staff share a love of stories with our children, transporting them to different worlds, igniting their imaginations, exposing them to the rich knowledge of non-fiction books. Stephen King once said, “Books are a uniquely portable magic” and we couldn’t agree more!
From the moment children step through our doors, we teach them to be confident, fluent readers through a rigorous phonics programme that ensures by the time a child leaves our academy, they are high school ready and ready to take on the world!
We want children in our school to have a love for reading so intense they simply HAVE to pick up a book! We stand by the rights of a reader here at Peel Hall, shared in our Reading Charter. It is our promise to all of our pupils to enable them to become life-long learners.
We hope this section of our website shares with you a snippet of what we do to fulfil our reading promise and shares just how much we LOVE reading here at Peel Hall Primary Academy!
Peel Hall Primary Academy
Reading spine
Find out about the books central to our curriculum.
Reading blog
Keep up to date on our latest reading-related news.
Reading curriculum
We aspire for all of our pupils to become fluent, confident and passionate readers.
Currently reading
Here we share what we are reading in our classrooms at the moment.