6SM: The Super Miraculous Journey of Freddie Yates

by Jenny Pearson

Do miracles really happen? Freddie Yates isn’t convinced – until the summer he goes on an unexpected journey with his two best friends.

Freddie loves his adoptive Dad, but when his Grams dies and leaves Freddie a letter revealing the name of his birth father, curiosity takes over. Freddie’s plan is simple: pretend he’s staying at his mate’s, then get the train to Cardiff and find his biological dad. But things do not go according to plan…

There’s the exploding toilet incident, the onion eating competition, the accidentally setting fire to a boat incident and, yes, appearing on television dressed as a girl.

Lilly-Jo - "It's so funny and makes me chuckle anytime. Especially the part about the underpants!"

Riley - "I never knew how many facts someone could remember about random topics!"

Amber - "I just can't stop thinking if he is going to find his Dad or not. I need to find out!"


Nursery: The Crocodile Who Didn’t Like Water


5BC: Boy in the Tower