1CC: The Lighthouse Keeper’s Lunch
by David Armitage and Ronda Armitage
Mr Grinling loves his food, especially the scrumptious lunch Mrs Grinling sends him every day from their little white cottage on the cliff. But - oh no! - One Monday afternoon, something terrible happens! Three scavenging seagulls set upon Mr Grinling's lunch to devour it!! Can Mr and Mrs Grinling come up with a cunning plan to keep those pesky seagulls away?
George -"The seagulls are so cheeky, once I was out with my mum eating fish and chips and a seagull took my chips too!"
Robyn - "I like when Mrs Grinling puts the cat in the basket, I think it is so funny".
Michael - "I like that the rope is attached from the cottage to the lighthouse, I think that is a really fun way to get lunch".