Working Together for Success

Eco Committee Meeting

Peel Hall's Eco Committee showed how much they really value the importance of their school, the local environment and the world we live in. The Eco - Committee were selected after completing an application form explaining what skills an Eco Committee member should have, why is it important to look after our local area and environment and how they put this into practise.

We had our first meeting this half term.  After carrying out an environmental review to evaluate our school’s performance against some of the nine Eco topics, such as the bio diversity, environment, energy, waste, litter, healthy living and global awareness.  They have started to create an action plan.

The Eco Committee selected to work on waste and the environment (school grounds).  They highlighted that the school did not have enough bins for the outside play areas and litter-picking equipment.  Members of the Eco Committee are going to write letters to the Govenors and the Head teacher to presuade them to allocate some money so these items can be purchased.

Members of the Eco Committee also disussed how Peel Hall Primary School could safe energy.  They are going to create posters and signs reminding pupils and staff to turn off electrical devices when not in use. 

I am so proud of how enthusiastic the Eco Committee was at wanting to spread awareness of environmental issues. They want to lead change both in our school and our local area by making small but significant changes.

The Eco-Committee Team



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Peel Hall Primary School Ashurst Road, Wythenshawe, Manchester, M22 5AU
Finance Officer • Courtney Dodd
Headteacher • Mrs Amy Tatham
SENCO • Rebecca Squires
Family Support • Siobhan Burke
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